(Rør av SLANGE)
Nettilkobling er ledningsnettet forbindelsen mellom innendørs og utendørs installasjon (offentlig rørledning) eller forbrukernes egne kilder.
Taps can be of two types: temporary, used only during the execution of the building, and definition foloste as temporary connections during construction.
Connection is provided in the area of maximum water consumption in order to obtain a more economical solution for water distribution network and run perpendicular to the front of the building, so long as you have a small puncture and foundations at the entrance how to make building easier.
The scheme is the following:
1.Pipe service
2.Branching valve passing through the home concession, the home of the water meter to the building main distribution pipe in the basement.
3.Valve concession which is in the home with the same name
4.House valve concession
5. Water meter for the home with the same name
6.Valve closure home located in the entrance closing 7. Close discharge valve and meter home located at the exit of the home
8.Pipe bypass meter in home
9.House for water meter
10.Pipe distribution main located in the basement, below the ceiling.
11.Columns points for water consumption
12.House Technical or technical basement
13.House unfrequented
15.Property limit valve concession of home and home with water meter limit of property is the fence surrounding the building.
Civilian buildings locunte uses the distribution scheme if they have inferior technical basement located under the floor or foot traffic channels parterului.care execitii the advantage of light installations and controls the execution of repairs can be done in good conditions.
There is also the solution for the location of distribution pipes in mid circiabile channels, but has the disadvantage of a reduced mounting space and mounting need for columns ramifications unfrequented channels.
In case of necessity to remedy the defects on the branches located in unfrequented channels, it is necessary to cut parts of sections of the respective branches to fit in place after removal of faults or to perform excavation unfrequented channel widening channels driven.
For shops or industrial buildings placement of distribution pipes in the floor, covered with plates in removable accesssible channels has the advantage of reduced costs by eliminating subsolurilor.Distribution lower investment has the following advantages:
Execution easy opportunity light servicing, inspection and repair, do not present any danger of frost and flooding the building materials low compared to the technical basement.
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