Polluted water is dangerous to humans, animals and even plants in the house or appliances.Carefully consider a filter that it mounted on the pipe that feeds the cold water supply, sanitary installation in the house where we live.
Safe filter Depura
If we choose a filter Depura safety, we eliminate the solid particles dissolved in water.
Such particles are very dangerous for plants, valves or appliances and not least the boiler or boiler for heating and hot water.
Filtration systems of Gelpur
Can we choose Gelpur filtration system.
The filtering process entirely Gelpur natural. Develop this process to eliminate the characteristics of substances that are within potabilitatii but often not tolerated by the body, such as chlorine taste and smell of his own.
If you mount this system on drinking cold water pipe before the water to reach the taps in the kitchen or bathroom, daily household consumption of food preparation and drinking will be asigurat.In this way the taps in the house will be available on a water high quality for drinking, washing fruits, vegetables and prepared food.
GELPUR filter retains all particles contained in dirt and water up to the size of 20 nanometers.The same activated carbon filter is due to action of disinfecting, removing chlorine, detergents, oils, pesticides or herbicides.
Sterilization is done by UV lamp, which destroys bacteria and viruses, even before the valve where it is made final.
Decalux and Decal softener
Removes limescale and makes the water become optimal personal hygiene, for dishwashing and laundry.
In addition saves energy and eliminates damage caused washing machine and boiler.
The advantages of softened water:
Clothes stay white
Glassware becomes brighter
Organoleptic tea and coffee are best
Better efficiency in all cleaning operations
Saving water data
Low consumption of detergents
Longer “life” washing machines, washers Low costs of maintenance for valves.
Calc Dosaphos Dispensers
Circuitry prevents limestone formation. in boilers and is a basic solution for the treatment of sanitary water.
All stations are calculated Fiacre softening application in part, depending on water hardness, amount of water consumed daily and maximum hourly flow.
A station can be equipped with softener control valve products PENTAIR WATER FLECK, world leader in branded intelliwater.
These filtration systems are automated, electrically powered, programmable by time ordered FLECK valve.
Automatic filters can be equipped with various filtration media such as:
Granular COAL ON parameter is used to correct the odor and to remove free chlorine, taste, cloform, trihalomethanes, color, insecticides, aromatic hydrocarbons, herbicides, volatile organic compounds, hundreds of other organic contaminants that may be present in water. In the manufacturing process, activated carbon is treated with steam, this stage is actually “ enabled” by the appearance of coal cavities large surface area compared to the volume occupied.
Birm: filter media used to remove iron and manganese from water.
Birm filter media is an aluminum-silicate-based coated with manganese dioxide. Acts as an insoluble catalyst for reaction between dissolved oxygen and iron compounds in water, thus producing ferric hydroxide which precipitates and thus can be easily filtered backwash.This filter medium is advantageous because it is economical compared to other methods used to dissolve iron from the water.
Multimedia: is a medium quartz sand filtering of various grit sizes. The settlement takes place in multiple layers. The main application is finished with sediment filter to 10microni, thus obtaining water turbidity reduction.
KDF: KDF filtration media 55 and KDF 85 can remove up to 99% of lead, mercury, nickel, chromium or other metals soluble in water. All KDF filtration media are effective in retaining bacteria, algae and fungi, making them ideal for use with GAC stations, stations and softening active coal filters.
DYNAMIC filters are composed of fibers with self-cleaning with automatic regeneration, integrated computer controlled wash cycles given time. It works either if the filter clogging was detected or at predetermined intervals by the beneficiary. In both cases, the cleaning takes place without interrupting the flow of water due to the scanning sensor that is on the entire surface of the filter. The unit is compact and fully automatic electric ball valves due and maintenance. Due to pressure transducers, the computer that controls and manages the operation of filter stages of use allows the beneficiary prestabilirea autocuratirare time intervals.
Protecting centrifugal separators. Systems that require resistance to corrosion and oxidation.
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