joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Elimination of the combustion gases


Battery, is needed to provide a condensate collector, equipped with a socket connected to wastewater treatment.
This accessory is absolutely essential for chimneys serving gas fired appliances, causing many of them large amounts of acid condensation.
Also, in bins for aircraft fuel liquid or solid, can be formed, especially at home after a long pause, a quantity of condensate to drain properly.
Also in the basket, is essential to allow the placement of a portal:
- Regular inspection can be done with a flashlight and a mirror or video equipment modern
- Chimney cleaning particularly when solid fuels, using specific tools, brushes, and more specifically, flexible rods.
- Removal of materials.
Inside a stainless steel chimney will be held in austenitic stainless steel W430 (AISI 304) with a thickness of 0.8 mm.
Isolation of a stainless steel chimney will run with mineral wool, high density 40 mm thick.
Cotton will be on an aluminum foil. Apart from a ferritic stainless steel chimney will be held in polished stainless steel W 416 (AISI 430) with a thickness of 0.5 mm. For all stations connected to the basket or open flame to ensure that the air required for combustion and flue gas exhaust to the outside, completely and safely, so the concentration of ambient air must not exceed the emissions allowed by the rules of safety and environmental protection rules. The air needed for combustion is provided in the ratio of the amount of space inside Vi [m] and the use of nominal flow Qn device [cm / h] for the case vi / Qn > = 30, it is considered that the joinery leakage to ensure the air required for combustion;
case VI / Qn >30, it provides direct access from the outside air through gaps in the prevailing low room;
The kitchens are exempt from homes with central heating, there are no other devices that are allowed access to the air of a room by creating a neighbor of the empty room, provided that You meet report / Qn > / = 30, in which Vi is the volume that the kitchen and room volume.
If in the next room, where the gap is provided, the devices installed using the ratio of the sum of the volumes of both houses [EVI = Vi2 + VII] and the amount of flow devices for use in these rooms [ EQN = Qn1 QN2 +] should or, Evi / EQN > / = 30.
If this condition is not met or if sealed with rubber carpentry, air intakes are made directly from outside the building.
Ouverture d’accès de surface de l’air dans une chambre de combustion où le gaz naturel est utilisé pour déterminer le produit installé dans les salles que le flux entre le QI [m³ / h] et le coefficient de 0,0025 [m / cm / h :      S = 0.0025 x Qi [m] long run and meet mandatory.   The difference in combustion air access provided at the bottom of the room without locking devices or control. It is forbidden to close the gap in access of combustion air. A chimney should be as straight as it is not the elbows more.

 Good day!

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