marți, 27 septembrie 2011


Chapter II

Good evening !

Natural ventilation is achieved by elements belonging to the building and architecture is necessary for solutions to be given strength and perfect ventilation solution. Ventilated hall with long side are placed perpendicular to prevailing wind direction to ensure optimal conditions for entry of fresh air. Low hot halls can not be naturally ventilated. Skylights simple unprotected against wind must be provided on both sides, with means of adjusting and completely opened or closed the gaps. In halls with hot and cold zones are built only skylights above the hot equipment. Introducing outdoor air intakes can be mobile mesh windows in the summer, above the parapet. Rooms with large releases of heat shall be provided with mobile mesh skylight. In exothermic halls accompanied by gas release and will provide mobile-mesh windows, located at the top of the hall, to ensure fresh air intake in cold season. Skylights with windows mobile mesh ventilated ensure removal of foul, make possible the removal of rain water penetration in ventilated, penetration in the emissions of noxious activity under the action of wind. Skylight systems in a practical fix problems in case of fire. Modern mobile mesh products according to standard EN 12101-2. There are systems for smoke and hot gases resulting from a possible fire. All mobile mesh used to trap the smoke are equipped with pneumatic cylinders whose opening is triggered by a device. If you wish to ventilate the space served, mesh devices can be equipped with electric motor. Pneumatic cylinders can be opened by manual control by CO2 release box for smoke and heat evacuation. Since the introduction of natural ventilation air is taking over the air from the outside, it is necessary for these devices to be opened in different ways after the season and wind intensity. During the summer, the introduction of air are used in mobile mesh bottom and in the winter to 4 to 6m from the floor, as cold air to be mixed with air in the hall, before reaching the work area . Square or rectangular skylights are devices mounted on the roof to provide natural lighting halelorindustriale especially those with multiple openings and organized their natural ventilation. Roof profile must be so or not the possible formation of stagnant areas that lead to stratification of hot air. In the entrance halls necompartimentate is allowed to make fresh air on one long side of the hall, in situations where:
- Heat sources are located in a strip width of 10m measured from the wall is made fresh air intake. Up to 18 m skylights will be installed at the maximum rate of the roof, above the hot exhaust hot air, vapor, smoke, etc., foul air. Roof profile is chosen so that it is not possible formation of hot air stagnation zone stratified air intake openings luminatoarelorcu right.

A beautiful evening !

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